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Question & Answer

Check our FAQs for quick answers to frequently asked questions we receive.
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What services do you offer?

BJ Intercontinental Inc., is an intercontinental trade and commerce company. The company is the authorised reseller of various American and international brands and also the brand owner of various product lines and brands.

What Business sectors or industries ?

BJ Intercontinental specializes in distribution, wholesale and retail of both locally sourced products and internationally sourced imported products.

What is Your Website Address?

Our website address

What is Terms & Conditions?

Please read these terms and conditions (“terms”) carefully. These terms are provided to you by BJ Intercontinental Inc., and govern your use of any part of the website, digital service or other system or site on which these terms are posted, including any functionality, content and service included therein and made available to you by BJ Intercontinental (collectively, the “site”). These terms shall apply and become binding on the first date that you access any part of the site or use any of the functionality provided through the site.


All content on the Site, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, software, features, tools, code, information and other content (collectively, the “Content”), is the property of Salharo and its licensors and is protected under United States and foreign copyright laws and other laws.

How can I contact about accessibility issues I encounter on this site?

BJ Intercontinental Inc, is committed to making its website accessible to all individuals. You can contact us via email us at